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"Dragostea din tei" - Izpildīta vairākās valodās2

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Nju iegrimsim bišku atpakaļ pagātnē un atcerēsamies šo veco hītu Dragostea din tei jeb The numa numa song ko izmilda O-Zone.
Dziesma tika sarakstīta Rumāņu valodā, šī dziesma tika tūlkota vairāk kā 16 valodās.
Dragosta din tei tulkojumā nozīmē - Linden-koku mīlestība, Mīlestība jauniešu vidū, Pirmā mīlestība.
Šīs dziesmas autors ir - Dan Balam, šo dziesmu izlaida 2003. gadā Moldovā.
Šī dziesma tika tulkota:
..................... un citās valodās.

1. Video ir Japāņu versija
2. Video Ir 15 valodu miksējums, kas pa valodu tur bus pierakstīts

a sitaja saita ir iespējams noklausīties Igauņu versiju, manuprāt rēcīgi skan - http://www.mrtzcmp3.net/Hellad_Velled__Maia_1s.html

Dziesmas vārdi angļu valodā

Ma-ia-hii Ma-ia-huu Ma-ia-haa Ma-ia-ha-ha (x4)

Hello, hi, it's me, an outlaw,
and please, my love, accept happiness.
Hello, hello, it's me, Picasso,
I gave you a call and I'm neat,
But you must know I'm asking you nothing.

You want to go but you don't, you don't take me with you
You don't, you don't take me with you, you don't, you don't, you don't take me with you
Your face and the love under the linden tree
remind me of your eyes (x 2)

I gave you a call, to tell you what I feel now.
Hello, my love, it's me, happiness.
Hello, hello, it's me again, Picasso,
I gave you a call and I'm neat
But you must know I'm asking you nothing.

You want to go but you don't, you don't take me with you
You don't, you don't take me with you, you don't, you don't, you don't take me with you
Your face and the love under the linden tree
remind me your eyes (x 2)

Ma-ia-hii Ma-ia-huu Ma-ia-haa Ma-ia-ha-ha (x 4)

You want to go but you don't, you don't take me with you
You don't, you don't take me with you, you don't, you don't, you don't take me with you
Your face and the love under the linden tree
remind me of your eyes (x 2)

Ceru ka bija interesanti :3

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Komentāri 2


Numa Numa JĒĒĒ :D

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wou galīgi biju aizmirsis par šo! tgd galvā sēž melodija! emotion

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