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One little dream still lingers within,
About a life without pain,
Below my scarred skin,
I carry the ink that forever will remain,
Another dream that I cherish,
Is to wake by your side,
When my reality is about to perrish,
In a corner, below my sheets I hide.

The loud noises in my head,
Are they made up or actually real?,
For answers I turn to dreams instead,
A wound never meant to heal,
Your soundless leaving,
Broke what wasn't yet broken,
You took the air I was breathing,
Destiny I would've never chosen.

But when I open my eyes,
With a brand new look,
No longer I see raincloud cries,
No longer you're pulling me with your hook,
I feel, I can run so far,
With a fresh breath of air,
I'm running towards the skyline,
Without your grips malign.

The places I have been,
I will always remember them all,
All the happyness that I've seen,
These chains of sadness everybody must spall,
What I noticed being careful,
And I don't regret it a bit,
That this world is as beautiful,
As we all want to see it.

Rakstu jau 4 gadus un nu man ienāca prātā publicēt vienu no saviem pēdējiem darbiem plašākai auditorijai. Ceru, ka patiks un ja patiks, tad turpināšu likt šeit savus darbus, kuri pagaidām man ir 109 emotion

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